Power BI Dashboards

If you read my essay on Power BI visualization charts, I believe you realize the importance and applicability of visuals. Now you may generate reports using those charts, which will help the decision-maker make a decision. Apparently, Microsoft "A Power BI dashboard is a single page, often known as a canvas, that uses visualizations to convey a story. A well-designed dashboard presents only the highlights of that story because it can only fit on one page. For more information, readers can view connected reports."

I'll provide a resource file that contains a summary of all the information you need to know about Power BI dashboards in this blog series.

PDF link: Power BI Dashboards

Power BI Visualization Charts

Data is present everywhere. But until you see them clearly, it won't provide you any new insights. For instance, as a decision maker at your year-end business meeting, you must make some business decisions based on the sales data from the current year. Yet, your colleagues are presenting the data as follows:

January 2022: $2,355,222
February 2022: $1,552,425
March 2022: $222,656
April 2022: $100,789
May 2022: $200,356
June 2022: $600,888
July 2022: $800,566
August 2022: $1,956,222
September 2022: 2,787,566
October 2022: $ 2,922,222
November 2022: 3,555,888
December 2022: 3,888,777

It would be difficult for you to determine which month you sold the most products at first glance. Maybe, you have to read it twice or thrice, which will evntually squander your important time.

What can instantly make you grasp the data?

The visualization starts there to serve that purpose.

I've included a PDF file link that will assist you in deciding how best to present your data, so that it is immediately understandable to everyone.

File Link: Power BI Visualization Charts

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